Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Scoping Out the Campground

Pinterest has been so much fun to look at and dream about. This summer I decided to utilize some of these neat ideas I ran across. In case you'd like to follow, here's the link: http://pinterest.com/beckythebarber/chic-camping. There are ideas about cooking over a campfire, pie iron ideas, repellent mixtures, and comfy ways to make the outdoor experience a luxury.

After surviving an overnight with a toddler, I had the itch to get out in the woods at a local state park and experience camping with my daughter "Pinterest style". So Standing Stone State Park in Tennessee was chosen because it was spotless, had an exceptional staff who shared with us what to do around the park and to have a look at the campsites before booking, and the grounds felt safe. Besides these perks, there was also an outdoor swimming pool staffed with lifeguards and a kiddie pool.

The first day at the park was simply that, a long day exploring, hanging out at the pool, and checking out the campsites twice. That evening we came home, booked the precise space we wanted, and began packing our real camping gear. 

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